
International Society for Intelligence Research
ISIR 2024 in Zurich
We are pleased to officially announce the 24th annual ISIR conference, which will be held in beautiful Zürich, Switzerland! The conference will be held from July 29–31, 2024 at ETH Zürich and will be hosted by Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern. As always, we will have a special IMC welcome event the evening before the conference begins, on July 28.
external page More information
November 2022
In the newspaper ZEIT
'Are intelligent people happier, Ms. Stern?'
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 235 KB)
November 2021
Special supplement BILDUNG to the NZZ newspaper
30 percent do not belong at the Gymnasium
"We must ensure that intelligence and talent count in the Gymnasium and not social background."
Download Interview with Prof. Stern (in German) (PDF, 256 KB)
October 2021
«Learning deficits due to Corona can be made up»
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 397 KB)
August 2021
Culture Talk on Swiss Radio SRF2 Culture
What impact does the Corona Pandemic have on the education of our children?
external page Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) about the learning deficits in school children due to the Corona Pandemic
August 2021
Tages Anzeiger & Der Bund
«We have to make up for the deficits»
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 376 KB)
June 2021
Forschung & Lehre / Research & Teaching
Human intelligence and its measurement
Intelligence research has a long tradition and yet is still relevant. A pioneer was Wilhelm Ludwig Stern, who would have had his 150th birthday in 2021.
By Elsbeth Stern, Peter Edelsbrunner, Aljoscha Neubauer
external page Article on Intelligence Research (in German)
December 2020
Swiss Newspaper "Tages Anzeiger"
"Understanding means having aha-experiences"
About the importance of breaks in learning and about why it is better to study four times a half hour instead of two hours in a row and that it is not just fate whether one can write well.
Download Interview with Prof Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 293 KB)
October 2020
Many children and young people are at war with mathematics and can no longer keep up in class. But juggling with numbers and formulas has its appeal. What is the problem?
Download No interest in math! (in German) (PDF, 541 KB)
August 2020
Look more at performance
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 304 KB)
August 2020
Tages Anzeiger & Der Bund
«We had to be careful»
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 210 KB)
June 2020
Beobachter: The exception CAREER
More than half of the students are women, but only a few make it to become a professor.
Download Why is that? (in German) (PDF, 475 KB)
May 2020
Future blog ETH Zurich
Learning and teaching from a distance - (not) a model for the future
Download By Prof. Elsbeth Stern (PDF, 94 KB)
February 2020
Symposium of the Academy of Sciences in Mainz / Germany on the topic «Wenn Begabung und Bildungswege abweichen: Verabschieden wir uns von der Leistungsgerechtigkeit?»
5 film recordings of the symposium
external page Introductory presentation by Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern
external page Lecture by Prof. Dr. Frank Spinath on «Anlage durch Umwelt: Verhaltensgenetische Ergebnisse zur Intelligenz richtig verstehen»
external page Lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefan Wolter on «Alle an die Uni - macht das Sinn?»
external page Lecture by Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern on «Intelligenz und Bildungserfolg: Wo verschenken wir Ressourcen?»
February 2020
Schweizer Monat, journal for politics, economy and culture, issue 1073
"My students should read 500-page novels without a single picture"
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 1.9 MB)
February 2020
ALPHA, Swiss Management Market, Tages Anzeiger (TA)
"Women still don't take career choice seriously enough"
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 849 KB)
December 2019
Basler Zeitung
Start physics as early as primary school.
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 136 KB)
October 2019
Magazine hep
Robots will hardly be able to replace teachers
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 1.8 MB)
October 2019
Migros Magazin
"Interest in science education"
The objectives of technology courses should be defined differently so that more women are interested in them.
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 351 KB)
September 2019
«That's a better way to learn how to swot»
How do you memorize English vocabulary? Is the brain particularly receptive before falling asleep? Or is it better to learn with music?
Download The answers of Prof. Elsbeth Stern to the beginning of school (in German) (PDF, 422 KB)
August 2019
Broadcast: 10 vor 10 on Swiss Television, SRF 1
Girls tend to be more successful at school.
external page Prof. Elsbeth Stern: "Boys are not disadvantaged in our school system"
March 2019
«Many parents overestimate their children's intelligence»
Learning researcher Elsbeth Stern on high school examinations, bad teachers and the IQ of boys and girls
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (PDF, 517 KB)
March 2019
Article with Prof. Elsbeth Stern and Prof. Aljoscha Neubauer in Gehirn & Geist 04/2019
Download A question of intelligence (in German) (PDF, 1.7 MB)
February 2019
Weltwoche Nr. 07/19
«We need the smart ones»
Download Interview with Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 229 KB)
September 2018
Prof. Dr. Elsbeth Stern has been awarded the Franz Emanuel Weinert-Preis 2018 from the 'Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie DGP'.
Download Laudatio (in German) (PDF, 93 KB)
Download Presse Release (in German) (PDF, 97 KB)
August 2018
Early Physics lessons will help for later
Download Promote understanding and interest in Physics (in German) (PDF, 452 KB)
August 2018
Fritz + Fränzi, Swiss Parents Magazine
'Intelligence is threatening to many'
Download Interview mit Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 2.1 MB)
July 2018
Psychoscope 4/2018
Journal of the Federation of Swiss Psychologists FSP
It's not all about genes
Download Article of Prof. Lennart Schalk and Prof. Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 2.7 MB)
July 2018
Forschung & Lehre 7|18
Download Interview with learning scientist Elsbeth Stern (in German) (PDF, 94 KB)
May 2018
Download Interview with learning researcher Elsbeth Stern about didactics (in Gernman) (PDF, 313 KB)
April 2018
NZZ am Sonntag
Download How clever are our genes? (in German) (PDF, 336 KB)
Intelligence is not written into genes. An environment is needed for them to develp, says Prof. Stern.
March 2018
Article in Swiss Magazine 'Schweizer Familie' (in German)
September 2017
TV show on SRF 1, Puls with Prof. Elisabeth Stern (in German)
Are identical twins equally intelligent? external page Puls Spezial: Zwillinge – gleiche Gene, gleicher Mensch?external page
July 2017
NZZ interview: Summer conversation with Elsbeth Stern (in German)
The ETH researcher Elsbeth Stern is engaged in the development of intelligence. She strongly advises against the school regimentation of small children. And she postulates intelligence tests for pupils of the gymnasium. Download Switzerland is a place of the blessed (PDF, 410 KB)Download (PDF, 410 KB)
June 2017
TIME No. 26/2017: A talk with the ETH learning researcher Elsbeth Stern (in German)
What our brains need: A talk with the ETH learning researcher Elsbeth Stern (59, Professor for Research on Learning and Instruction at ETH Zurich) about flash of inspiration, red wine and sniff cocaine - as well als the question, why the university occupies only a few locals. Download The Swiss follow their desire (PDF, 225 KB)
March 2017
Interview with Prof. E. Stern in the Winterthurer Stadtanzeiger (in German)
The intelligence researcher Elsbeth Stern will give a talk at the Kantonsschule Rychenberg in Winterthur on 15th March 2017. There, she will talk about intelligence, motivation, and how children can best be encouraged. Download Niemand ist ein Alleskönner (PDF, 671 KB)Download (PDF, 671 KB)
January 2017
Individual differences in the learning potential of human beings
Review Article in Science of Learning (PDF, 516 KB)
September 2016
Polybahn Pitch from Elsbeth Stern (in German)
Elsbeth Stern, Professor of Research on Learning and Instruction, explains in a Polybahn Pitch why physics is a difficult subject at school, and why it might be worth familiarizing children with its basic concepts at an early age. Polybahn Pitch