Swiss MINT Study
Promoting scientific thinking in primary school
In order to optimize science teaching through learning and instruction research, the Institute of Behavioral Sciences, together with the MINT Learning Center, is conducting a longitudinal study with selected schools in Switzerland. In this study, findings from learning and instruction research are being implemented in science education. The study is investigating in detail how this teaching approach affects various aspects of learning and pupils’ mental development, including academic achievement, subject-specific knowledge, knowledge transfer, development of interest and motivation, as well as self-concept of ability.
We want to attract dedicated teachers and primary schools, which, in collaboration with us, are willing to implement science teaching units that have been developed based on findings in learning and instruction research. In the first phase of the study, the KiNT boxes, as developed by Prof. Kornelia Möller and colleagues at the University of Münster, are to be used in the 2nd to 4th grades of primary school. The boxes address the following topics:
- Air and air pressure
- Sound
- Floating and sinking
- Bridges, and what makes them stable
The KiNT boxes have been scientifically tested numerous times and their learning efficacy proven. Beside the appealingly designed experimental material for pupils, they also contain well-developed documentation with instructions and support for teachers.
More information about the Swiss MINT Study can be found here (in German)